Safe and Secure
Safe and secure transactions are a top priority for To ensure your transaction is secure, our Website utilizes advanced SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology, which safeguards your information.
Most Web browsers will confirm if you have established an SSL connection by displaying an icon that looks like a closed padlock or unbroken key. Often this icon will be located in the lower left or lower right corner (depending on your browser) of the Web browser's window. If the icon looks like an open padlock or broken key, you have not established an SSL connection.
The Website's URL can also be an indication your connection is secure. When accessing a secure server (especially on commerce or store pages), the "http://" will change to "https://" (the addition of the "s" indicates the page — and your information — is secure).
While navigating our site, you can trust that your information is safe; however, if you prefer to place your order by telephone, feel free to contact us.